Proxima Upholstery fabrics

Proxima 05
9,50 €
16 Shades (Color shades may vary slightly from individual production batches.)
Proxima 05
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Proxima je nábytková látka príjemná na dotyk s pôsobivým melírovaným efektom. Viditeľný je jemný preliv svetlého a tmavého odtieňa. Materiálové zloženie je kombinácia Polyesteru a Polyamidu. To dáva poťahovej látke Proxima dobrú odolnosť voči oderu. Parametre pre žmolkovateľnosť sú tiež excelentné na danú cenovú kategóriu. Poťah spĺňa cigaretový test. Je teda vhodná aj do priestorov, kde je sa vyžaduje táto norma. Proxima nemá žiadnu dodatočnú nešpinivú úpravu, no vzhľadom na jej zloženie a spôsob tkania je údržba celkom jednoduchá. Veríme, že poťahová látka Proxima bude skrášľovať Váš interiér a dlho slúžiť na Vašej sedačke.

Technical parameters

Type of fabric
Flat woven fabric
300 g/m2
140 ± 2 cm
Abrasion resistance (Martindale)
50 000 Martindale
Color fastness test
WET 4 - 5, DRY 4 -5
WARP… 89,8 N, WEFT… 33,8 N
Tensile strength
WARP… 759 N, WEFT… 352 N
Color fastness to light
4 - 5


Extreme Durability
Soft to the touch
High resistance (Martindale)

The use

Hotels - Restaurants - Pensions
Office and loaded chairs
Social facility - Retirement home - Children's homes
Internal use


Can be washed max. 30 °C
It must not be squeezed by hand
Can be ironed without steam max. 110 °C
It must not be bleached
Do not tumble dry
It can be professionally chemically cleaned using a gentle process

Stain removal method

1. Wipe up the spilled liquid with an absorbent cloth (towel). In the case of a solid state, gently remove the remains with a small teaspoon.
2. Moisten a cloth, ideally microfiber, with clean water.
3. Wipe with a soft damp cloth (or a soft soapy cloth) and make gentle circular movements.
4. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel or absorbent cloth. Let dry.
If fine stains remain after cleaning, repeat the procedure.

Upholstered furniture must be vacuumed regularly with an upholstery attachment to prevent dust from settling in the upholstered furniture.

Remove stains as soon as they appear.

When cleaning, use soap without bleaches and dyes. An ideal natural soap that can be purchased at a regular drug store. Do not use other detergents!!!

For upholstered furniture that has been used for some time, we recommend cleaning the entire part.

Please do not use so-called "home recipes" for cleaning.

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